Checkbox Group
<sl-checkbox-group> | SlCheckboxGroup
Checkbox groups are used to group multiple checkboxes so they function as a single form control.
Basic Checkbox Group
A basic checkbox group lays out multiple checkbox items vertically.
<sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions"> <sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound">Initiate outbound transfers</sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound" checked>Approve outbound transfers </sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="export">Export transactions</sl-checkbox> </sl-checkbox-group>
sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions" sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound" Initiate outbound transfers sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound" Approve outbound transfers sl-checkbox value="export" Export transactions
import SlRadio from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio'; import SlRadioGroup from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio-group'; const App = () => ( <SlRadioGroup label="Select an option" name="a" value="1"> <SlRadio value="1">Option 1</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="2">Option 2</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="3">Option 3</SlRadio> </SlRadioGroup> );
Help Text
Add descriptive help text to a checkbox group with the help-text
attribute. For help texts that
contain HTML, use the help-text
slot instead.
<sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions" help-text="Outbound transfers require separate initiators and approvers"> <sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound">Initiate outbound transfers</sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound">Approve outbound transfers </sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="export">Export transactions</sl-checkbox> </sl-checkbox-group>
sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions" help-text="Outbound transfers require separate initiators and approvers" sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound" Initiate outbound transfers sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound" Approve outbound transfers sl-checkbox value="export" Export transactions
import SlRadio from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio'; import SlRadioGroup from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio-group'; const App = () => ( <SlRadioGroup label="Select an option" name="a" value="1"> <SlRadio value="1">Option 1</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="2">Option 2</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="3">Option 3</SlRadio> </SlRadioGroup> );
Label with Tooltip
Use the label-tooltip
attribute to add text that appears in a tooltip triggered by an info icon
next to the label.
Usage: Use a label tooltip to provide helpful but non-essential instructions or examples to guide people when making a selection from the checkbox group. Use help text to communicate instructions or requirements for making a selection without errors.
<sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions" help-text="Outbound transfers require separate initiators and approvers" label-tooltip="These apply to cash account only"> <sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound">Initiate outbound transfers</sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound">Approve outbound transfers </sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="export">Export transactions</sl-checkbox> </sl-checkbox-group>
sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions" help-text="Outbound transfers require separate initiators and approvers" label-tooltip="These apply to cash account only" sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound" Initiate outbound transfers sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound" Approve outbound transfers sl-checkbox value="export" Export transactions
import SlRadio from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio'; import SlRadioGroup from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio-group'; const App = () => ( <SlRadioGroup label="Select an option" name="a" value="1"> <SlRadio value="1">Option 1</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="2">Option 2</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="3">Option 3</SlRadio> </SlRadioGroup> );
Horizontal Checkbox Group
Use the horizontal
attribute to lay out multiple checkbox items horizontally.
Making the horizontal checkbox group responsive: Use a container query to adjust the
layout of the checkbox group’s form-control-input
part (which wraps the checkbox items) at a
custom target breakpoint (the container’s width when the horizontal layout breaks). In the example below,
a container query checks the width of the checkbox group container and switches the layout to vertical
(setting flex-direction
to column
) when the container becomes too narrow for a
horizontal layout.
<sl-checkbox-group id="permissions" label="Financial products permissions" horizontal> <sl-checkbox value="manage-transfers">Manage transfers</sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="export">Export transactions</sl-checkbox> </sl-checkbox-group> <style> sl-checkbox-group[id="permissions"] { container-type: inline-size; container-name: permissions; } @container permissions (max-width: 400px) { sl-checkbox-group[id="permissions"]::part(form-control-input) { flex-direction: column; } } </style>
sl-checkbox-group id="permissions" label="Financial products permissions" sl-checkbox value="manage-transfers" Manage transfers sl-checkbox value="export" Export transactions css: sl-checkbox-group[id="permissions"] { container-type: inline-size; container-name: permissions; } @container permissions (max-width: 400px) { sl-checkbox-group[id="permissions"]::part(form-control-input) { flex-direction: column; } }
import SlRadio from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio'; import SlRadioGroup from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio-group'; const App = () => ( <SlRadioGroup label="Select an option" name="a" value="1"> <SlRadio value="1">Option 1</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="2">Option 2</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="3">Option 3</SlRadio> </SlRadioGroup> );
Contained Checkbox Group
Use the contained
attribute to draw a card-like container around each checkbox item in the
checkbox group. This style is useful for giving more emphasis to the list of options.
This option can be combined with the horizontal
<sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions" help-text="Outbound transfers require separate initiators and approvers" contained> <sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound">Initiate outbound transfers</sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound">Approve outbound transfers </sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="export">Export transactions</sl-checkbox> </sl-checkbox-group> <br/> <br/> <sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions" help-text="Outbound transfers require separate initiators and approvers" contained horizontal> <sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound">Initiate outbound transfers</sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound">Approve outbound transfers </sl-checkbox> </sl-checkbox-group>
sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions" help-text="Outbound transfers require separate initiators and approvers" contained="true" sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound" Initiate outbound transfers sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound" Approve outbound transfers sl-checkbox value="export" Export transactions br br sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions" help-text="Outbound transfers require separate initiators and approvers" contained="true" horizontal="true" sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound" Initiate outbound transfers sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound" Approve outbound transfers
import SlRadio from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio'; import SlRadioGroup from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio-group'; const App = () => ( <SlRadioGroup label="Select an option" name="a" value="1"> <SlRadio value="1">Option 1</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="2">Option 2</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="3">Option 3</SlRadio> </SlRadioGroup> );
When checkboxes are wrapped with the Checkbox Group , adding the
attribute to the parent Checkbox Group or to any checkbox in the group
will create contained
checkboxes for the entire group.
Disabling Options
Checkboxes can be disabled by adding the disabled
attribute to the respective options inside
the checkbox group.
<sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions" help-text="Exporting is currently disabled for all users" required> <sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound">Initiate outbound transfers</sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound">Approve outbound transfers </sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="export" disabled>Export transactions</sl-checkbox> </sl-checkbox-group>
sl-checkbox-group label="Financial products permissions" sl-checkbox value="initiate-outbound" Initiate outbound transfers sl-checkbox value="approve-outbound" Approve outbound transfers sl-checkbox value="export" Export transactions
import SlRadio from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio'; import SlRadioGroup from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio-group'; const App = () => ( <SlRadioGroup label="Select an option" name="a" value="1"> <SlRadio value="1">Option 1</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="2">Option 2</SlRadio> <SlRadio value="3">Option 3</SlRadio> </SlRadioGroup> );
Set the required
attribute to make selecting at least one option mandatory. If at least one
value has not been selected, it will prevent the form from submitting and display an error message.
<form class="validation"> <sl-checkbox-group label="Select at least one option" required> <sl-checkbox value="option-1">Option 1</sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="option-2">Option 2</sl-checkbox> <sl-checkbox value="option-3">Option 3</sl-checkbox> </sl-checkbox-group> <br /> <sl-button type="submit" variant="primary">Submit</sl-button> </form> <script> const form = document.querySelector('.validation'); // Handle form submit form.addEventListener('submit', event => { event.preventDefault(); alert('All fields are valid!'); }); </script>
form.validation sl-radio-group label="Select an option" name="a" required="true" sl-radio value="1" Option 1 sl-radio value="2" Option 2 sl-radio value="3" Option 3 br sl-button type="submit" variant="primary" Submit javascript: const form = document.querySelector(.validation); // Handle form submit form.addEventListener(submit, event => { event.preventDefault(); alert(All fields are valid!); });
import SlButton from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/button'; import SlIcon from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/icon'; import SlRadio from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio'; import SlRadioGroup from '@teamshares/shoelace/dist/react/radio-group'; const App = () => { function handleSubmit(event) { event.preventDefault(); alert('All fields are valid!'); } return ( <form class="custom-validity" onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <SlRadioGroup label="Select an option" name="a" required onSlChange={handleChange}> <SlRadio value="1"> Option 1 </SlRadio> <SlRadiovalue="2"> Option 2 </SlRadio> <SlRadio value="3"> Option 3 </SlRadio> </SlRadioGroup> <br /> <SlButton type="submit" variant="primary"> Submit </SlButton> </form> ); };
Usage Guidelines
When to Use a Checkbox Group
- When you want people to choose one or more options from a list
- When presenting fewer than 7 options
- If letting people see all their options right away (without an additional click) is a priority
When to Use a Different Component
- Use a radio group instead if presenting fewer than 5 to 7 options and you want to let people choose just one option
- Use a multi-select select instead if presenting more than 7 options or there isn’t enough room to present all the options
Labels, Help Text, Etc.
- For additional guidelines on checkbox and checkbox group labels, help text, and the label tooltip, refer to the Input component usage guidelines
If you’re using the autoloader or the traditional loader, you can ignore this section. Otherwise, feel free to use any of the following snippets to cherry pick this component.
To import this component from the CDN using a script tag:
<script type="module" src=""></script>
To import this component from the CDN using a JavaScript import:
import '';
To import this component using a bundler:
import '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/checkbox-group/checkbox-group.js';
To import this component as a React component:
import SlCheckboxGroup from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/react/checkbox-group';
Name | Description |
(default) | The default slot where <sl-checkbox> elements are placed. |
The checkbox group’s label. Required for proper accessibility. Alternatively, you can use the
label attribute.
Used to add text that is displayed in a tooltip next to the label. Alternatively, you can use the
label-tooltip attribute.
Text that describes how to use the checkbox group. Alternatively, you can use the
help-text attribute.
Learn more about using slots.
Note: The following appear as options in the Properties table but are currently not part of the Teamshares Design System. Please check with the design team before using these options:
- Sizes
Scroll right to see the entire table
Name | Description | Reflects | Type | Default |
The checkbox group’s label. Required for proper accessibility. If you need to display HTML, use the
label slot instead.
Text that appears in a tooltip next to the label. If you need to display HTML in the tooltip, use
the label-tooltip slot instead.
The checkbox groups’s help text. If you need to display HTML, use the help-text slot
The name of the checkbox group, submitted as a name/value pair with form data. |
The current value of the checkbox group, submitted as a name/value pair with form data. |
The radio group’s size. This size will be applied to all child radios and radio buttons. |
'small' | 'medium' | 'large'
The radio group’s orientation. Changes the group’s layout from the default (vertical) to horizontal. |
The radio group’s style. Changes the group’s style from the default (plain) style to the ‘contained’ style. This style will be applied to all child radios (but not child radio buttons, which do not have the ‘contained’ style as an option). |
By default, form controls are associated with the nearest containing
<form> element. This attribute allows you to place the form control outside of a
form and associate it with the form that has this id . The form must be in the same
document or shadow root for this to work.
Ensures a child radio is checked before allowing the containing form to submit. |
Gets the validity state object | - | - | |
Gets the validation message | - | - | |
A read-only promise that resolves when the component has finished updating. |
Learn more about attributes and properties.
Name | React Event | Description | Event Detail |
Emitted when the checkbox group’s selected value changes. | - |
Emitted when the checkbox group receives user input. | - |
Emitted when the form control has been checked for validity and its constraints aren’t satisfied. | - |
Learn more about events.
Name | Description | Arguments |
Checks for validity but does not show a validation message. Returns true when valid and
false when invalid.
- |
Gets the associated form, if one exists. | - |
Checks for validity and shows the browser’s validation message if the control is invalid. | - |
Sets a custom validation message. Pass an empty string to restore validity. |
Learn more about methods.
Name | Description |
The form control that wraps the label, input, and help text. |
The label’s wrapper. |
The input’s wrapper. |
The help text’s wrapper. |
Learn more about customizing CSS parts.